Community Garden/Eco Learning Center
Malabar supports STEAM learning FOR ALL!
Alumnus leads sustainable project at local school
October 9, 2016
A USC alumnus is spearheading a project to make a Los Angeles elementary school more environmentally sustainable.
Going green · USC alumnus Carlos Rodriguez, class of 2013, hopes to construct an Eco Learning Center that combines technology with sustainability at Malabar Elementary School in Boyle Heights.
Malabar Elementary School lies in the heart of Boyle Heights, a predominantly Mexican-American neighborhood east of Downtown, and has been “[fostering] the highest quality teaching and learning for all” for over 100 years, according to the school’s website.
Carlos Rodriguez, who graduated from USC in 2013 with a graduate certificate in geographic information science and technology, aims to construct an Eco Learning Center at the school to teach students about the environment through technology. The project will allow the school staff at Malabar to work in tandem with parents and the community at large to create a space that will benefit everyone.
“The concept is a ‘garden on steroids,’ with two pathways with learning stations along the way where teachers can sit with students and discuss the environment and science,” Rodriguez said.
The garden will utilize technology like apps and Google glasses to enhance how children learn about the environment. Most of the project is being provided pro bono by Virtual Space, the consulting firm Rodriguez founded in Los Angeles in 1987.
Rodriguez, currently the president of Virtual Space, said that the company helps clients understand how to use technology to improve communication.
“My philosophy is a ‘don’t tell me what you can’t do, tell me what you’re going to do’ mentality,” Rodriguez said. “That is a philosophy intrinsic to Virtual Space today.”
This way of thinking is one reason Rodriguez set out to help the Boyle Heights community. His project aims to not only enhance the learning among students, but to act as an open space for the community to utilize.
The initiative is projected to tentatively launch next fall. The first steps in its construction include removing several pre-existing bungalows, which would reduce the building’s carbon footprint and pave the way to install grass. This would create the allocated space reserved for the project, and in turn become a sustainable learning center.
Virtual Space and Malabar Elementary are launching a GoFundMe account this coming week, in hopes of raising enough money to move forward with the project this January.
Dieuwertje Kast, a staff member at USC’s Joint Educational Project, is also looking to collaborate with Virtual Space and Malabar Elementary in the near future.
Kast currently manages two main programs through JEP, the USC Young Scientists Program and the Wonderkids Program.
“JEP and USC at large foster a culture of social good and awareness,” Kast said. “JEP in particular provides a variety of resources to the local community that would not otherwise happen.”
Rodriguez also credited USC for instilling the ideals of philanthropy and community outreach in his personal brand, which he said inspired him to start the project at Malabar Elementary.
“I feel fortunate as a graduate of USC,” Rodriguez said. “It gave me insight, as a resource center, on how to care and give back to the community.”
Malabar Elementary Leaping Into the 21st Century World of Technology
Malabar Elementary in Boyle Heights has been educating students for more than 100 years and is now opening a gateway into the Tech World. The school is presently creating a community garden that is being transformed into an Eco Learning Center. This vision was proposed by a local engineer that grew up in Highland Park. Mr. Carlos Rodriguez, president of Virtual Space, was approached by Ms. Serrano-Overstreet retired teacher from Malabar with an idea of a green space for the school and community. Mr. Rodriguez’s design of an Eco learning Center has surpassed the expectations of school principal Mr. Luis Cuevas, teachers, and parents. The Eco Center will not only be used as a community garden but it will have a hydroponic area where students can learn about sustainable systems, an amphitheater where students can have musical and dramatic performances, and a solar panel interactive area where teachers will be able to enhance their instruction by using virtual reality technology lessons created by Mr. Rodriguez. When asked about his role in the project Mr. Rodriguez said, ” We at Virtual Space feel incredibly blessed to participate in this endeavor that is geared to enhance the learning experience for the students at Malabar.” Ms. Alma Rivas Malabar parent said, ”We want our children to be prepared with technology skills that will make them successful later in life.” With this Eco Learning Center on Malabar’s campus many students will want to experience this new wave of learning. This STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) school is definitely on the right path to achieve their vision.
Malabar Elemental Saltando Hacia el Siglo 21 del Mundo de la Tecnologia
Por Rosa Serrano-Overstreet
Malabar Elemental en Boyle Heights ha estado educando estudiantes por mas de 100 años y ahora estan abriendo una entrada al mundo de la tecnologia. La escuela presentemente esta creando un jardin comunitario que se va a transformar en un Centro Educativo Ecologico. Esta vision fue propuesta por un ingeniero local que se creyo en Highland Park. El Sr. Carlos Rodriguez, presidente de Virtual Space, fue contactado por la Sra. Serrano- Overstreet maestra retirada de la escuela Malabar con una idea de un espacio verde para la escuela y comunidad. El diseño del Sr. Rodriguez de un Centro Educativo Ecologico ha superado las expectativas del director de la escuela el Sr. Luis Cuevas, los maestros, y los padres. El Centro Ecologico no solamente va a ser utilizado como un jardin comunitario tambien va a tener una area hydroponica donde los estudiantes podran aprender sobre sistemas sostenibles, un anfiteatro donde los alumnos pondran tenir eventos musicales y dramaticos, y un area con tableros solares interactivos donde los maestro podran usar las lecciones de realidad virtual tecnologica que fueron disenadas por el Sr. Rodriguez. Cuando le preguntaron sobre el papel que tiene en este projecto el Sr. Rodriguez dijo, ”Nosotros aqui en Virtual Space nos sentimos increiblemente afortunados en participar en este proyecto que va a estimular la experiencia de la ensenaza para los estudiantes en la escuela Malabar.” La Sra. Alma Rivas, mama de Malabar dijo, “Nosotros queremos que nuestros hijos esten preparados con destrezas tecnologicas para que tengan exito en la vida.” Con el Centro Educativo Tecnologico en el plantel de Malabar muchos de los estudiantes van a poder vivir la nueva ola de aprendizaje. Esta escuela STEAM ( Ciencias , Tecnologica, Ingeneria, Arte, Matematicas) definitivamente va por buen camino en lograr su vision.